Advertising Charge Profile

The Advertising Charge Profile provides information about the advertising charges or additional charges that you can add to an Insertion Order.

Advertising Charge Profile Information

The Advertising Charge Profile displays the following information:

Field Description
business unit Displays the name of the business unit, which is usually an acronym for your company.
product name Displays the full name of the advertising charge product.
product code Displays the user-entered product code. Click the drop-down arrow to see the full product description.
start date Displays the date that this price becomes valid.
end date Displays the date that this price becomes invalid.
product category Displays the user-selected category for this product.
taxable flag Displays Yes or No. Yes if the product is taxable, No if it is not taxable.
allow partial shipments? Displays Yes or No. Yes if a part of a shipment can be sent while the rest is on back order, No if all parts of the product must be shipped together.
send via mail? Displays Yes or No.
send via email? Displays Yes or No.
send via fax? Displays Yes or No.
project Displays the user-selected project.
commodity code Displays the user-selected commodity code.

Advertiser Profile Actions

You can perform the following actions from the Advertising Charge Profile:

Advertising Charge Child Forms

The child forms section of the Advertising Charge Profile is divided into several tabs. Each tab contains child forms with information related to the advertising charge.

The following tabs are available:

  • Price
  • Inventory
  • Affiliated Products

Price Tab

Use the Price tab to track and add prices and price attributes for the advertising charge. The Price tab has price child form.

Inventory Tab

Use the Inventory tab to track inventory received and add and track vendor operations.

The Inventory tab has the following child forms:

Affiliated Products Tab

Use the Affiliated Products tab to track and add products that are related to this one.

The Affiliated Products tab has the following child forms: